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America's Got Talent 2021: The Strongest Hair on Earth


America's Got Talent 2021: The Strongest Hair on Earth

Watch unbelievable audition from Danila Bim on America's Got Talent 2021 (AGT), as she WOWS Simon Cowell and the judges with her amazing performance. What did you think about her audition?? Let us know in the comments below...

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My personal comments:

To me, it is amazing. When has long hair, but it is extremely strong. Comparing to mine, my hair fall off very often daily. I was wondering if she has any trick or magic.

Oh, in fact, she got strong motivation from her mom...

In the show, when her hair was hooked and pulled up, she did feel hurt at all. You can imagine how heavy her body is. How could she put up with such thing. She could dance nicely and spin around rapidly too.

Look at this. How could she bent her legs, arms and body?

If I try to do like her, I think all of my hair will be removed from my head in a minute. What a shame?

Below is my imaging hair after the training....

Wow, Wow, Wow💪

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